Light up the Christmas spirit in your center house! The Design Your ENTREP Center Christmas Contest: Year 2 is now open to all KMBI Program Members.

How to Join

1. Participating Program Members must collaboratively create Christmas decorations using recycled materials.

2. Take five (5) pictures of the Christmas decorations in various angles using a phone or a digital camera. All photos must be e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please make sure that the images are clear. Blurred and/or unidentifiable shots may decrease your chances of winning or even void your entry.

3. In the e-mail body, include a brief description of your entry (materials used, how the decoration was made, etc.)

4. Add the name of center, branch, contact number, and the name of Program Officer using underscores as spaces in between information of the image.

Example: ENTREP345B_Butuan_09209968334_PO_Christian_Lopez.jpg

Note: In case the ENTREP Center has no representative who can send the entry via e-mail, the photo can be coursed through their Program Officer and sent via branch e-mail.

5. Two centers may work together, but their output will be considered as a single entry.


Entries must be submitted on or before December 11, 2017.

The entries will be posted on Facebook on December 13, 2017. Center house with the most Facebook likes by December 20, 2017 will receive cash prize.




Nine (9) winners

PhP 3,000

Most Facebook likes award*

PhP 3,000

*If any of the winners garner the most Facebook likes, they shall receive the award on top of the existing cash prize.








Adherence to the theme




Final judging will be on December 15, 2017. Results will be announced on December 21, 2017.