Twelve (12) Nepalese delegates from the Rural Microfinance Development Center went for an exposure visit at the KMBI Panay Office, 130 Panay Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City as part of the Learning Exchange Program of the Microfinance Council of the Philippines last September 19, 2019.
Part of the learning exchange program is the orientation to microfinance processes in the Philippines in the context of KMBI, delivered by Deputy Executive Director for Transformational Development and Training Group, Ms. Hazel Christine Bayaca. The orientation discussed the component of transformation and how it integrates with KMBI's microfinance operations.
The delegates also visited one of KMBI’s center of West Avenue Branch to observe the center meeting, which is KMBI's approach to values formation. They also got to interact with the Program Members to gain insights on how these services directly impact the grassroots.